Chitas Idea

Catch you when you fall

6 Tishrei 5782

“If he falls, he will not be cast down, for the Lord supports his hand.” (Tehillim 37:24)

King David assures us, from his own personal experience, that Hashem is not keen to cast us away to be forsaken. When we put our trust in Hashem, He will protect us from ourselves, even when we set out on the wrong path. He will send us not only one, but multiple warnings and will always open up the door for us to return.

“He casts reproach upon His angels” (Lessons in Tanya, Iggeret HaKodesh middle of Epistle 20)

Rashi comments on this verse from Iyov that this is referring to “the righteous. He does not trust that they will not sin against Him, and He takes them out of the world before their time.” Here we can also see that Hashem seeks to protect us at all times, even from ourselves.

“The deeds of the [Mighty] Rock are perfect, for all His ways are just … Destruction is not His” (Devarim 32:4-5)

This is all out of His infinite goodness. “Even though God is strong [like a rock], when He brings retribution upon those who transgress His will, He does not bring it in a flood [of anger], but [rather] with justice.” (Rashi on Devarim 32:4) Even more so, He doesn’t want to punish us. He wants us to go on the right path from the outset and stay on it. In these Ten Days of Repentance we should keep in mind that everything we do is in cooperation with Hashem, and even our smallest efforts will be assisted and sustained by Him.