Chitas Idea


8 Tishrei 5782

“And Jeshurun became fat and rebelled; you grew fat, thick and rotund” (Devarim 32:15)

Over time our relationship with Hashem can become confused. By praying to Him for our needs we can start seeing Him as obligated to us in some way, chaz ve shalom even as our servant. We can become so involved in our needs, material but even spiritual, that we blind ourselves to the true nature of our relationship with him, that of complete nullification.

“There is no king without a nation” (Lessons in Tanya, Iggeret HaKodesh middle of Epistle 20)

Tanya explains that a king is only able to rule over subjects who are distant from him. The inherent closeness of a father and child makes it impossible for the father to reign over his child. Therefore Hashem must conceal our divine origin from us, so we can fully accept his sovereignty. As a result of this concealment we can loose sight of our true nature and the true nature of our relationship with G-d.

“For the Lord is most high, awesome; a great King over all the earth” (Tehillim 47:3)

It is impossible for Hashem and us to “live together.” There can’t be any confusion. Hashem is the king and we are the subject, Hashem is the master and we are the servant, Hashem is father and we are the son. There must be a hierarchy, clarity. Yom Kippur is our chance to press the “reset” button on our relationship. To purify our heart to serve him in truth.
