Chitas Idea

Ach Tzadikim

29 Shevat 5782

“You shall set showbread upon the table before Me always” (Shemos 25:30)

The Zohar explains, “The table stood in the Tabernacle, and there rested upon it a blessing from Above, and from it issued nourishment to the whole world. Not for a moment was that table to remain empty, since blessing does not rest upon an empty place. Therefore the showbread had always to be renewed upon it each Sabbath, in order that the blessing from Above might always rest upon it, and that food and blessing, because of it, might emanate from that table to all the tables of the world.

So too should every man’s table [have bread on it] when he says grace after meals: in order that the blessing from Above should rest upon it, it must not be empty.”

“Here below, however, this union is within the limits of time, and the soul is united with G-d only while it is engaged in Torah study or in the performance of a mitzvah.” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 25)

Apart from the halachic implications of the above excerpt from Zohar, it can also teach us an important lesson in connection with today’s Tanya. Hashem’s blessing does not rest upon an empty person. Only when one is engaged in Torah and mitzvos can the Holy One bestow additional life-force upon one’s soul, which he can then draw from throughout his entire day. This is why it is so important to start your day with prayer, charity, and learning Torah, especially in conjunction with the daily Chitas portions.

“Indeed, the righteous will extol Your Name; the upright will dwell in Your presence.” (Tehillim 140:14)

When you extol Hashem in the beginning of the day on the exalted level of a “tzadik”–through the above mentioned prayer, charity and learning–you will merit to dwell in his presence on the earthly level of “upright” throughout the entire day.