Chitas Idea

The Shechinah

14 Adar I 5782

“And he said to Him, ‘If Your Presence does not go [with us], do not take us up from here.’” (Shemos 33:15)

This was the final gambit that Moshe took in the Jewish peoples reconcilliation with Hashem. He requested that Hashem rest His Presence, the Shechinah, on the Jewish people and only on the Jewish people. Instead of an angel accompanying the Jews in their conquest of the Holy Land, Moshe wanted Hashem himself to go along.

This is our everlasting heritage as a nation. Wherever we go in exile, the Shechinah comes with us, as our Sages have said (Megillah 29a): “When the Jews were exiled to Edom, the Shechinah went into exile with them.”

“Now, it is known that whenever a person thinks holy thoughts, he becomes, during that time, a ‘chariot’ for the ‘chambers’ (heichalot) of holiness whence these thoughts originate. Conversely, when he thinks impure thoughts, he becomes an unclean ‘vehicle’ for the heichalot of impurity, from where all impure thoughts originate. So, too, with speech and action.” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 29)

Because the Shechinah is always with us, we are obligated to act accordingly. Every thought, speech, and action must be befitting of being carried out in the presence of a King, much more so, of the King of all kings.

“Blessed is His glorious Name forever, and may the whole earth be filled with His glory, Amen and Amen.” (Tehillim 72:19)

All of our thoughts, speech, and actions should glorify and exalt Him, by cleaving to His great Presence and becoming a chariot to carry out His will in the physical world, until the Shechinah can return to Her former glory, even above it–for the whole world, not only for the Jewish people.