Chitas Idea

Ecstatic Joy

21 Tishrei 5782

“This is why the hearts of those who seek G-d are ecstatically aroused at the time of prayer and the like.” (Lessons in Tanya, Iggeret HaKodesh, middle of Epistle 23)

In this Tanya portion the Alter Rebbe beautifully describes the overwhelming pleasure chassidim feel “when their souls delight in the pleasantness of G-d and His light.” However, this joy is limited and it only follows an arousal from below through careful adherence to the ways of Hashem, first and foremost in the intellectual faculties.

“The Lord’s beloved one shall dwell securely beside Him; He protects him all day long, and He dwells between his shoulders.” (Devarim 33:12)

The head, and with it the intellectual faculties dwell between man’s shoulders. When we gain control over it, eliminating all evil thoughts at their source, we can make it a host for the ecstatic joy that the Alter Rebbe describes above. True and lasting joy can only come when the head brings the emotions and behavior in line with its Creator.

“And He brought out His nation with joy, His chosen ones with song.” (Tehillim 105:43)

The imminent arrival of Moshiach will bring transcendent pleasure from Hashem in every time and place. We will be able to “apprehend with our intellect the delightfulness and sweetness of “the pleasantness of G-d” and the unlimited splendor of the Shechinah.” For now, “since this world is finite, it cannot be a receptor for the infinite revelation of Divine radiance that is called forth by the performance of the mitzvot.” (Tanya, as above) When Hashem brings out His nation for the final time, it will be “with joy.” All His nation will not be able to restrain themselves in singing and basking in the unlimited sweetness of the Creator.