Chitas Idea


24 Tishrei 5782

“And Lemech took himself two wives.” (Bereishit 4:19)

There are few things as opposed to the Torah as the objectification of female beauty. Right at the beginning of the Torah, in Parashah Bereishit, Hashem condemns the practice of separating beauty from its spiritual root and purpose. By Lemech’s time, society had morally degenerated to the point that men were marrying one woman for her beauty and a second woman for the purpose of procreation. They were severing one from the other, physical pleasure from its lofty spiritual source, thereby openly rebelling against Hashem and the purpose of creation.

“Thus, he becomes an impure chariot (i.e., a subservient vehicle) to the “supernal fool” (i.e., to the kelipah)” (Lessons in Tanya, Iggeret HaKodesh, Epistle 24)

If we G-d forbid follow this thinking or practice in any way, shape or form during our time, we attach ourselves to the Sitra Achra. We become a vehicle subservient to impurity, strengthening its hold on the world.

“I shall walk before the Lord in the lands of the living.” (Tehillim 115:8)

The exact opposite is what we are called for to do in this time of the imminent arrival of Moshiach. By walking in Hashem’s ways, reattaching the physical to the spiritual during this critical stage of the world, we make a tremendous impact, hastening Moshiach and helping bring him miraculously with only goodness and peace.