Chitas Idea

Doubled and Redoubled Darkness

7 Adar II 5782

“If a leader of Israel sins and unintentionally commits one of all the commandments of the L‑rd, which may not be committed, incurring guilt” (Vayikra 4:22)

Rashi expounds, “Why does Scripture not use the word אִם like in the cases of verses 3 and 13 above? The answer is that אִשֶׁר is an expression reminiscent of the dictum starting with the word אַשְׁרֵי, ‘fortunate is…,’ namely: ‘Fortunate is the generation whose leader does not hold himself too high, but rather, gives attention to bringing an atonement offering for his unintentional sins-and how much more will he experience remorse for the sins he has committed willfully!’”

“This world is the lowest in degree; there is none lower than it in terms of concealment of His light, and no world compares with it for doubled and redoubled darkness; nowhere is G‑d’s light as hidden as in this world.” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 36)

For an earthly king, who has all the wealth and power he could ever want, it is very easy to forget who is the real King. In this world of “doubled and redoubled darkness” G‑d’s light can be almost completely concealed, to such a point that the created beings, even those who have been elevated by G‑d to exalted positions, such as earthly kings, can completely forget where they came from. As such, it is an overt sign of blessing and great fortune, when a king has the ability to transcend the vanity of his high position, and come to account for his sins, just as any other person would.

“Fortunate is the man who has made the L‑rd his trust, and did not turn to the haughty, nor to those who stray after falsehood.” (Tehillim 40:5)

In fact, in this generation of material abundance and self-inflation, it is not only kings who can easily fall prey to detachment from G‑d’s light. In order to counter the “doubled and redoubled darkness” we must double and redouble our efforts to remain aware of the Presence above us–through joy in serving G‑d, earnestness in our commitment to Him, and laser-like focus on the real purpose of our lives.