Chitas Idea

Prayer = Sacrifices

12 Nissan 5782

“The children of Israel should bring their offerings which they slaughter on the open field, and bring them to the Lord, to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, to the kohen, and slaughter them as peace offerings to the L‑rd.” (Vayikra 17:5)

“Offering up animal sacrifices to G‑d seems to go against the Torah’s respect for animal life. Even with regard to non-animal sacrifices, why would G‑d ask us to take valuable property and burn it up for no apparent benefit? Furthermore, of all G‑d’s commandments, why does the Torah refer only to sacrifices as being ‘pleasing’ to G‑d? Surely it pleases G‑d when we perform any of His commandments!” (Daily Wisdom, Lubavitcher Rebbe)

“That is to say that he should use the wisdom and understanding that are in his soul for G-d alone.” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 41)

“The answer is that sacrifices please G‑d in the purest way precisely because the only possible reason for offering them up is in order to fulfill His will. Unlike other commandments, there is no possible ‘ulterior motive’ for sacrifices. Since they fly blatantly in the face of logic, no self-interest can be involved. Clearly, this is a much greater state of self-nullification than that required to fulfill any of the Torah’s other commandments.” (Daily Wisdom, Lubavitcher Rebbe)

“I called to Him with my mouth, with exaltation beneath my tongue.” (Tehillim 66:17)

“Today, our daily prayers are a reflection of the sacrifices offered up in the Tabernacle. Just as with the sacrifices, it may seem illogical to ‘waste’ our valuable time on praying when we could be actually ‘doing’ something – even holy deeds, such as studying the Torah or performing some ‘practical’ commandment. Yet it is precisely by dedicating our valuable time and concentration to nothing other than getting closer to G‑d that we connect to Him in the most profound, intimate way.” (Daily Wisdom, Lubavitcher Rebbe)