Chitas Idea

Above and Beyond

18 Nissan 5782

“And he did as the Lord had commanded Moses.” (Vayikra 16:34)

When Aaron the Kohen carried out the Yom Kippur services, he did so only for the glorification of Hashem’s name. “He did not don the special garments of the Kohen Gadol for his self-aggrandizement, but rather, as one who is fulfilling the King’s decree thus, ‘he did as the Lord had commanded’” (Rashi).

“Now, this intent, solely to bring gratification to G‑d by returning one’s own soul to G‑d, is genuine and truly and completely sincere in every Jewish soul at all times and at every hour” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 41)

The Alter Rebbe speaks exactly about the above topic, serving Hashem for His sake, not ours, in today’s Tanya portion. However, after explaining the loftiness of this kavanah, he adds that it is within the reach of “every Jewish soul at all times and at every hour, by virtue of the natural love which is a heritage bequeathed to us by our ancestors.”

“But, I, to You, O L‑rd, I cry; each morning my prayer comes before You.” (Tehillim 88:14)

We should ponder the above every morning before we begin our prayer, before we cry out before Hashem. Still more, the Alter Rebbe says we should not be content even with this level of natural love, we should go above and beyond to “establish set periods for reflecting on the greatness of G‑d in order to attain intellectually generated fear and love.”