Chitas Idea

Bound Up

19 Nissan 5782

“Let Your work be revealed to Your servants, and Your splendor be upon their children.” (Tehillim 90:16)

We all hope for the day, very soon, when G‑d’s greatness will be revealed to the world in the same manifest way that we perceive physical objects now. G‑dliness will be so evident in the world that it will be accessible to all. But what do we do in the meantime, when G‑dliness is still concealed?

“However, the essence of knowledge is not mere knowing alone, that people should know the greatness of G‑d from authors and books, but the essential thing is to immerse one’s own mind deeply into the greatness of G‑d and fix one’s thought on G‑d with strength and vigor of the heart and mind, until his thought shall be bound to G‑d with a strong and mighty bond, as it is bound to a material thing which he sees with his physical eyes and upon which he concentrates his thought.” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 42)

We must bind our daat, our knowledge, to Hashem in a most profound way, not only during times of study, but also throughout the day, remembering periodically to immerse our mind in thoughts of Chassidus. By doing so, our daat, stemming from the root of the soul of Moshe in Atzilus, will receive “vitality and G‑dliness,” love, fear, and self-nullification before G‑d, as an illumination from its source above.

“And they shall no longer slaughter their sacrifices to the satyrs after which they stray. This shall be an eternal statute for them, for [all] their generations.” (Vayikra 17:7)

By immersing in the above, we will ensure that all our “blood,” our life-force, will be dedicated only to the figurative altar of the Holy One, blessed be He. No longer will we stray after false idols, demons, that cause us to sink our life-force into the unclean Kelipot, G‑d forbid. We will be so bound up with Him that our thought will be completely one with Him, in the same way that our mind is bound up with a material thing which we see today; and with our mind, our whole body will follow suit.