Chitas Idea


30 Tishrei 5782

“And the Lord smelled the pleasant aroma” (Bereishit 8:21)

The deep reasons behind why Hashem in all His power and glory cares about our lowly offerings, either physical or in prayer, is beyond us. We just need to know that they have a tremendous effect on High. So too in this Parashah, the covenant to never bring about such devastation on the earth again was brought about through a simple offering from a pure heart.

(Interestingly, Rashi sees fit to further underline Noah’s pure intentions. He brings a Midrash that Noah said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, commanded me to take in seven pairs of these only in order to offer up a sacrifice from them.”)

“That is why it is established that for the Reading of Shema, for the Blessing After Meals, and for [the study of] words of Torah, one has not discharged his duty by meditation without speech.” (Lessons in Tanya, Iggeret HaKodesh, middle of Epistle 25)

Tanya offers some insight into the reasons for the importance of offering holy words out loud. “Since a Jew’s speech is analogous to supernal speech, the Shechinah, when speaking words of Torah, one arouses the supernal speech, the sefirah of malchut, thereby unifying the Shechinah, i.e., linking it to the preceding stages of emanation.” (Tanya, as above) By bringing out the love of Hashem that lies within us, we can help uplift the Shechinah and bridge the separations in the upper worlds.

“I will speak of the splendor of Your glorious majesty and of Your wondrous deeds.” (Tehillim 145:5)

Tehillim in many places emphasize the power of praising Hashem with our physical mouths. In fact this is the underlying purpose of the entire Book of Tehillim. Tehillim take up a superrational position in our daily avodah. Their importance transcends our understanding. So much so that the Tzemach Tzedek said, “If you only knew the power of verses of Tehillim and their effect in the highest Heavens, you would recite them constantly.” (Hayom Yom: Shevat 24)