Chitas Idea


12 Iyar 5782

“This light and vitality that is revealed within them after the ‘contraction’ constitutes an infinitesimal illumination and is truly considered as naught when compared with the quality of the limitless and infinite illumination, and there is no proportion or relationship between them, as the term ‘proportion’ is understood in number values, where the number one stands in a certain ratio to the number one million, for it is a one-millionth part of it, but as regards a thing which transcends finitude and numeration, there is no number—however great—that can be relative to it” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 48)

The degree of light and vitality which illumines the lower creatures, “pervading them and acting in them and animating them in such a way that they exist ex nihilo,” exists in only an extremely minute measure when compared to the quality of the limitless and infinite illumination above, so much so that it is truly considered naught and there exists no proportion or relationship between them.

“The chariots of G‑d are twice ten thousand, [with] thousands of angels; my L‑rd is in their midst, at Sinai, in holiness.” (Tehillim 68:18)

Created beings, even angels, are limited and can be counted by number. G‑d, however, dwells in their midst but is unlimited and sublime in holiness. He stands in no comparison whatsoever to anything that is below, just like the number one, one million, one billion or even one trillion stands in no comparison and has no relevance or relationship to infinity.

“For a seven day period you shall live in booths” (Vayikra 23:42)

The festival of sukos, especially the sukah itself, represents the Divine energy which is transcendent and all-encompassing. Just like the sukah surrounds us on all sides, so too does Hashem transcend our created being, encompassing us on all sides to an infinite and incomprehensible extent. This is the awareness that G‑d exists apart from the world and beyond its limitations.