Chitas Idea


1 Cheshvan 5782

“[G-d said,] “Never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”” (Bereishit 9:11)

“When the Torah says that G‑d “destroyed the earth,” it means that He destroyed “earthiness” – i.e., the mistaken belief that the world exists independent of G‑d. The Flood completely submerged the world in Divine awareness, and thus purified it from its moral degeneration and made it permanently receptive to Divine consciousness.” (Daily Wisdom) This omnipresent receptiveness to Divine consciousness is closely related to the Chassidic concept of Birurim, elements of spiritual refinement and purification latent within all material things waiting to be uplifted to holiness by a Jew.

“However, this [temporary dominion of evil] is “to his [ultimate] detriment…,” for its underlying intent is that the sparks of holiness that are found within evil be extracted and elevated.” (Lessons in Tanya, Iggeret HaKodesh, middle of Epistle 25)

Where you are is exactly where you are supposed to be. The situation you find yourself in in your life is so ordained by divine providence for only one reason, for you to purify and uplift the sparks hidden at that exact spiritual location.

“He Who sits in heaven laughs, my Master mocks them.” (Tehillim 2:4)

When we realize that all obstacles and detours that come our way are in fact our divinely preordained mission in life, we gain a tremendous advantage. The challenges that present themselves to us are in truth laughable and completely nullified to the Creator that put them there. When we go about our life with this attitude, our success is already assured.