Chitas Idea

Thought, Speech, Deed

7 Cheshvan 5782

“Thus, it is taught explicitly in Sefer Hakavanot — that Scripture, Mishnah, Talmud, and Kabbalah are all in Atzilut, except that Scripture vests itself as far [“down”] as Asiyah, and Mishnah [vests itself only] as far [“down”] as Yetzirah, and Talmud is vested as far [“down”] as Beriah.” (Lessons in Tanya, Iggeret HaKodesh, middle of Epistle 26)

Asiyah corresponds to soul-garment of deed, Yetzirah corresponds to the soul-garment of speech, and Beriah corresponds to the soul-garment of thought. It is in the same order that our forefather Abraham came to Hashem. He first recognized his Creator - thought; then he disseminated G‑dliness - speech; and finally circumcision - deed. (Hayom Yom 7 Cheshvan)

“And the fugitive came and he told Abram the Hebrew, and he was living in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, the brother of Eshkol and the brother of Aner, who were Abram’s confederates (בעלי ברית).” (Bereishit 14:13)

In this Parashah we find the first reference in the Torah to Abraham’s covenant (ברית), his circumcision. Rashi explains that the brothers “gave him advice concerning circumcision.” Furthermore, according to Aggadath Bereishith, the covenant (ברית) mentioned here is that of circumcision. This was the last step on his way. We, however, must go in the reverse order (Hayom Yom 7 Cheshvan). First, we must remove of the orla of the body, the layer of dullness and insensitivity in our actions.

“I will guard my ways from sinning with my tongue; I will guard my mouth [as with] a muzzle” (Tehillim 39:2)

When we have gained control of our actions, we must move on to the critical aspect of guarding our speech. We must know that every word a Jew speaks has a tremendous effect in the upper worlds. This is not a Kabbalistic concept but stated explicitly in Halacha: “It is forbidden to wish retribution to befall another Jew … for “a covenant has been established with the lips,” causing every statement made by a Jew to have an effect” (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch - Chapter 33: Matters Forbidden because of Possible Danger). Once we have gained the upper hand over our speech, we must move on to the final step, controlling our thoughts, the crowning achievement of a Beinoni.