Chitas Idea


8 Cheshvan 5782

“For this reason, study chiefly involves deliberation and argumentation on the laws of issur and hetter, impurity and purity, in order to disencumber the permitted and the pure from the forbidden and the impure by means of deliberation and argumentation on the law—with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge” (Lessons in Tanya, Iggeret HaKodesh, middle of Epistle 26)

At present the Shechinah vests itself in the material realm and “grants life-force to the chitzonim that belong in the realm of kelipat nogah.” Therefore, “the main spiritual task of man, and the main purpose of being engaged in Torah and the commandments, is to disencumber and elevate the sparks.” We do this by studying the laws of issur and hetter in-depth and living by these insights, openly and proudly.

“Look toward heaven and count the stars – if you can count them! That is how your descendants will be.” (Bereishit 15:5)

When we show the world our way of life without complexes, we become like the sparkling stars in the sky. Our light being so bright that even those walking in the thick of night will not stumble. Every Jew has the power and spiritual fortitude to prevent those around him from stumbling and to exert a positive influence on his surrounding.

“All the glory of the princess is within; her clothing surpasses settings of gold.” (Tehillim 45:14)

Even though the sparks of holiness are currently embedded in the physical world, the Shechinah is still very much present. It resides inside the material, hidden to our eyes. Although the physical world can at times be enjoyable, even beautiful, the true beauty is hidden within it.

When even the “chitzonim” that the beauty is vested in are at times beautiful, how much more so is the glory hidden within it, that at the present we just cannot see properly, beautiful?