Chitas Idea


25 Cheshvan 5782

“In the writings of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, of blessed memory, this [dual direction] is referred to as or yashar (‘direct light’) and or chozer (‘reflected light’), i.e., light reflected upward from the lower level back to the upper, as it is also written, ‘And the Chayot were advancing and retreating.’” (Lessons in Tanya, Iggeret HaKodesh, Epistle 31)

The life force drawn down to this world from the “heart”, from the Shechinah, is circulated from the “organs”, the Jewish souls, back to their original Source through Torah study and prayer.

“Two nations are in your womb; two powers will diverge from within you. The upper hand will pass from one power to the other.” (Bereishis 25:23)

“Metaphorically, Jacob and Esau represent the two souls (and their opposing drives) that exist within each of us … The Divine soul overcomes the animating soul in the same way that light overcomes darkness. Light does not have to actively exert itself to dispel darkness – darkness simply ceases to exist in the presence of light” (Lubavitcher Rebbe). When we let the holiness and goodness of our divine souls shine, through Torah study and prayer, light is drawn down into the world and rises back up to its Creator in an unbreakable cycle. Darkness has no power over it.

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By observing Your word.” (Tehillim 119:9)

How can we make ourselves a whole part in this sublime flow of life-force? By observing Hashem’s word, never being fulfilled by our previous spiritual achievements. By applying the same thirst and care with which we desire material success and safety to our pursuit of complete Torah observance.