Chitas Idea


3 Kislev 5782

“He delivered me because He desires me.” (Tehillim 18:20)

Sometimes we may think, “Who are we to stand before Hashem?” What did we do to merit Hashem’s desire for us?

We must know that this is in no way based on our own doing, but wholly on the merit of our forefathers. They established an eternal covenant with Hashem. We are only the executors of that will, and as such we attain in some way the status of the great people who came before us.

“And Jacob awakened from his sleep, and he said, ‘Indeed, the Lord is in this place, and I did not know [it].’” (Bereishis 28:16)

Similarly, Jacob thought that he was unworthy to dwell in the Divine Presence. However, in another part of this Parashah we see that Hashem made the sun set “suddenly for him, not at its usual time, so that he would have to stay there overnight” (Rashi). From here we learn that Hashem specifically desired Jacob to sleep there. So too it is for us, Hashem makes his most holy creations just so we can use them to proclaim His glory.

“This is the reason for Moses’ fervent plea to fulfill the active mitzvot that are contingent on the Land, for these [practical mitzvot] are the ultimate purpose of the Hishtalshelut.” (Kuntres Acharon, middle of Essay 4)

Moses understood that this world was created specifically so we could perform mitzvos requiring action in the most complete way possible. Therefore he plead incessantly to enter the Land of Israel and accomplish his part in the Grand Design. He understood that the practical mitzvos are the ultimate purpose of creation and it is onto us to fulfill them. Even though we are small and lowly, we should not see ourselves as such, because we are established by a unique mission which is up to only us to fulfill.