Chitas Idea


14 Kislev 5782

“So, too, through the use of valid tefillin, there is revealed the supernal intellect of z’eyr anpin and nukva, i.e., za and malchut of Atzilut, the source of life for all the worlds. Yet, through [the omission of] one required detail they are invalidated, and the intellect departs.” (Lessons in Tanya, Kuntres Acharon, beginning of Essay 6)

When we do a mitzvah with all its exact details “all the worlds ascend and receive their life-force and spiritual sustenance” from it. Even the slightest deviation causes these elevations to be nullified along with the life-force and sustenance that they would have drawn down. If we ponder this, how great are the works of G-d that the vivifying power of a multiplicity of worlds issues from a single minor requirement of G-d’s thought, we gain an appreciation for the profundity of Hashem and how we stand in no relation to Him.

“I was a boor and did not understand, like an animal was I with You.” (Tehillim 73:22)

Therefore, it is not our right to behave like a “boor,” picking and choosing which details of the mitzvahs to follow and which to disregard. Every minor detail is essential for the workings on high. It is not up to us to grant ourselves leniencies in the performance of mitzvahs, reassuring ourselves that we fulfilled the majority of the requirements.

“Each man his sword” (Bereishis 34:25)

Any such self-apologetic thoughts are in truth self-deception stemming from our Yetzer Harah. Instead, it is our duty to fulfill all the mitzvos with the essence of Simeon and Levi’s deed. The self-sacrifice and depth of commitment that motivated the brothers of Dinah should permeate our rational lives, to the point that our rational mind is only a boundary with which to control and steer our burning passion.