Chitas Idea

Living Water

19 Kislev 5782

“The pit was empty of water.” (Bereishis 37:24)

“Allegorically, the pit represents the human mind and water represents the Torah. This incident thus tells us that the surest way to keep our mind free of ‘snakes and scorpions’ – negative and destructive notions – is to ensure that it is always full of Torah-related content, for ‘G‑d’s Torah is wholesome, restoring the soul.’”

“He [the Alter Rebbe] sat at the seat of wisdom with our lord, master, and teacher, the world gaon [the Maggid of Mezritch] and he drew water from the well of living waters.” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, Title Page and Approbations)

The “living waters” from which the Alter Rebbe “drew” are the exact counterpart of the emptiness described in the Possuk above. The living waters of the revealed and hidden Torah enlighten the eyes and satisfy the soul. They drive out darkness and evil thoughts.

“Because he desires Me, I will deliver him; I will fortify him, for he knows My Name.” (Tehillim 91:14)

We have the unique privilege to behold what the Alter Rebbe drew up from the most hidden parts of the Torah, and delivered to us as lucid intellectual expression on which our minds can feed. Through unceasing effort in the study of Chassidus we will come to desire Hashem in all our ways. More and more we will come to know the greatness of His name, and all corrupt thoughts will be completely nullified to its great light.