Chitas Idea


20 Kislev 5782

“All that has remained from the abundance of material is this small number of writings, which have been collected one by one from the copies spread among the disciples.” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, Approbations)

The unadulerated words of Tanya were just too pure for this world. The forces of good and evil must always be balanced in this world until Moshiach comes in order for there to be free choice. When something perfect comes into the world it has to be accompanied by an imperfection to satisfy the forces of evil. Sometimes it is better to accept this imperfection than too relinquish the good altogether, like an army that retreats only to draw the enemy into a more vulnerable position.

“[Judah] named [Tamar’s firstborn] Peretz.” (Bereishis 38:29)

So too it was with Judah’s and Tamar’s son Peretz, from whom the Davidic Dynasty and Moshiach descend. It was necessary for Peretz to enter the world in such a scandalous way, Tamar pretending to be a harlot and Judah falling to his lust, in order to “trick” the forces of evil into considering the Moshiach’s emergence as beneficial to them.

“You will arise and have mercy on Zion, for it is time to be gracious to her; the appointed time has come.” (Tehillim 102:14)

Because of this sacrifice the ultimate balance of good and evil will be tipped once and for all with the arrival of Moshiach, speedily in our days.