Chitas Idea


21 Kislev 5782

“Joseph was beautiful in form and complexion.” (Bereishis 39:6)

Joseph’s physical beauty was a reflection of his inner, spiritual beauty. Our goal too is to perfect ourselves spiritually, attaining a beautiful form and complexion. This however, doesn’t mean that we should make our own “beauty” our sole focus, nor that we should keep it all to ourselves. We should not wait until we achieve spiritual perfection before reaching out to others. Perfection is relative, and compared to those who know less than we, we are “beautiful” enough to inspire them.

“Hence, if his intellect and mind are confused and wander about in darkness in ideas pertaining to the service of G-d, he will find it difficult to see the beneficial light hidden in books.” (Likutei Amarim, beginning of Compiler’s Foreword)

Problems in concentration often arise when we are too focused on ourselves, forgetting our actual purpose. We should not detach from the world and expect to succeed. It is davke in serving others that we will find the greatest fulfillment and focus. This makes our service “real” and something actually dedicated to Hashem. As long as it stays a theoretical endeavor, like philosophy chaz ve shalom, it will never have the increased blessing from Hashem that we so depend on for success.

“Glory in His holy Name; may the heart of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Search for the Lord and His might; seek His countenance always.” (Tehillim 105:3-4)

Nevertheless, we must also remember that if we neglect our own spiritual growth, others will take note, and as a result be less inclined to take our words to heart. We have to constantly search for Hashem ourselves, growing from day to day, from strength to strength.