Chitas Idea


25 Kislev 5782

“Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘I had a dream, but there is no one who can interpret it.’” (Bereishis 41:15)

“The dreams of Joseph and Pharaoh led to the Jewish people’s exile in Egypt. Exile was caused by dreams because exile itself is like a dream. In dreams, conflicting and contradictory situations can coexist. Similarly, our behavior in exile seems hypocritical: selflessness and selfishness coexist almost simultaneously.

Living this spiritually inconsistent life is potentially frustrating. We may think that we are being dishonest with ourselves. Considering all our faults, we may feel that our connection to G‑d is not real, that our efforts to advance spiritually are ultimately futile.” (Lubavitcher Rebbe)

“Every Jew, whether righteous or wicked, possesses two souls” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 1)

In these moments of doubt we must remember “that every Jew, whether righteous or wicked, possesses two souls.” One that pulls him towards G-dliness and one that pulls him towards the material. Until Moshiach comes these two realities can and must coexist. Although now, before Moshiach comes, our actions may seem hypocritical at times, we should not become disheartened. We must strive to live as consistently as possible, not giving up because of momentary lapses. (Lubavitcher Rebbe)

“I contemplated my ways, and returned my feet to Your testimonies.” (Tehillim 119:59)

Hashem created the world in an asymmetric way. “The effects of misdeeds last only until we repair their damage through repentance. The effects of our good deeds, in contrast, last forever.” (Lubavitcher Rebbe)