Chitas Idea


29 Kislev 5782

“He said, ‘Peace to you; fear not. Your G-d and the G-d of your father gave you a treasure in your sacks’” (Bereishis 43:23)

G-d also gave us a treasure in our sacks, his holy Torah. Although small in size, it contains all the world’s knowledge and answers to all questions that we may face. The reason why we shouldn’t be afraid is not because we trust in worldly authorities - politicians, doctors, scientists - but because we can rely upon the words of our Torah and the Sages who study it.

“Let me hear Your kindness in the morning, for have I trusted in You. Let me know the way in which I should walk, for to You I have lifted my soul.” (Tehillim 143:8)

The way we should walk is predetermined by Hashem. Sometimes, however, it is not clear before us and our spirit feels spent, it feels like Hashem has hidden his face from us. These are the critical moments in which we must reassess our decisions and find the “bug” that is blocking our way. These answers can only be found with Him, in His words and those of our Sages.

“For, when a person actively fulfills all the precepts which require physical action (e.g., when he dons the tefillin or fulfills the commandment of tzitzit, etc.), and with his power of speech, he occupies himself in expounding all the 613 commandments and the laws governing their fulfillments, and with his power of thought, he comprehends all that he is capable of understanding in the Pardes (i.e., the four levels) of Torah, then all of his soul’s 613 “organs” are clothed in the 613 commandments of the Torah.” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 4)

This, and only this, is our mission in life. We must eliminate all distractions as soon as they arise, sometimes even at great cost to our ego. Anything that brings us closer to this path we should utilize, anything that hinders us on it we should pass over.