Chitas Idea


1 Teves 5782

“In all of these [Mitzvot, Tanakh, Aggadot, and Midrashim] did G-d ‘compress’ His will and wisdom in order that every neshamah or ruach and nefesh, in the human body, will be able to grasp them with its intellect and [in order] that it fulfill them, as far as they can be fulfilled, in action, speech, and thought, thereby clothing itself with all its ten faculties in these three garments.” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 4)

This is why every Jew is so important. Every soul represents one part of Hashem that must be reattached to G-dliness by wrapping it in the soul garments of thought, speech, and action in the way of Torah and mitzvot.

“Judah then approached [Joseph].” (Bereishis 44:18)

The word “approached” (Vayigash) here implies an approach to battle. Judah had had enough of Joseph’s schizophrenic behavior, promising and reneging on a whim. When he found out that Joseph intended to keep Benjamin there as a slave he made an end with the niceties and switched to battle mode. He knew how essential Benjamin was for his father and he was not willing to leave him behind.

“Today’s ‘Benjamins,’ our Jewish children, are threatened by a different sort of ‘Egypt’ – that of assimilation. To save these Benjamins, we cannot wait for someone to appoint committees that will conduct lengthy research and then deliberate over what should be done and how much it will cost, etc. When lives are at stake, we must do whatever we can to save them, immediately” (Lubavitcher Rebbe).

“So that I may relate all Your praises in the gates of the daughter of Zion, that I may exult in Your deliverance.” (Tehillim 9:15)

All this we must do with the knowledge that every single Jew is essential to his Father in heaven and represents an unavoidable way-point on the path to redemption.