Chitas Idea


2 Teves 5782

“Therefore has the Torah been compared to water, for just as water descends from a higher level to a lower level, so has Torah descended from its place of glory” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 4)

The water that descends to a lower level is still the same water as at the source. Unlike light, which is a mere ray of its origin, water retains its essential nature. So too, the Torah which descended into the world remains complete while it invests itself in material matter.

“Joseph could not restrain himself” (Bereishis 45:1)

“Regarding the encounter between Judah and Joseph it is said: ‘Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out’ (Proverbs 20:5). This may be compared to a deep well full of cold and excellent water, but from which no one could drink. Then came one who tied cord to cord and thread to thread, drew up its water and drank, whereupon all drew water thus and drank thereof. In the same way, Judah did not cease from answering Joseph word for word, until he penetrated to his very heart.” (Midrash Rabbah)

This is why written Torah alone does not suffice. Over the years our Sages devised ingenious ways to extract the hidden secrets, “between the lines,” of the Torah. We stand on the shoulders of giants to see through their eyes the true meaning of Torah. Chassidus is only the most recent in a long chain of successive revelations of the hidden secrets of the Torah.

“The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in the finest earthen crucible, purified seven times” (Tehillim 12:7)

We must delve into these “pure words”, with fixed times every day, to drink from them as much as we can.