Chitas Idea

Wasting Seed

10 Teves 5782

[Yaakov told Yosef,] “But his younger brother will become greater than he.” (Bereishis 48:19)

Menashe represents our obligation to protect ourselves from the negative influences of our surroundings. Ephraim represents our obligation to influence our surroundings in a positive way. “Since before influencing the world we must ensure that we are protected from its temptations, Joseph named his firstborn Menashe, and wished to give him precedence in receiving Yaakov’s blessing, as well. In granting his blessing, however, Yaakov focused on the purpose of our descent into exile: not mere spiritual survival, but the spiritual growth that results from our successful encounter with exile. Yaakov therefore gave precedence to Ephraim.” (Lubavitcher Rebbe)

“He extended his hands against his allies, he profaned his covenant.” (Tehillim 55:21)

Extending your hand and violating your own covenant (bris) is one of the most serious sins in the Torah. Many works of Kabbalah and Chassidus (including Tanya) describe the impurity and unholiness this creates.

“The sin of wasteful emission of semen is not mentioned in the Torah among the list of forbidden coitions, even though it is more heinous than they, and [the individual’s] sin is greater with regard to the enormity and abundance of the impurity and of the kelipot; he begets and multiplies them to an exceedingly great extent through wasteful emission of semen, even more so than through forbidden coitions” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 7)

There are certain sins that garb our vitality with so many kelipot that it becomes extremely difficult to learn and progress spiritually. Misusing our G-d given gift of reproduction is one of them. Through permitted intimacy we partner with Hashem in bringing new life to this world. The enormity and holiness of this is so great that the counterpart to it also carries such magnitude - for “The Almighty has created one thing opposite the other.” (Tanya, Chapter 6)

In order to progress spiritually we often first have to do the “סור מרע” (Shun evil) part of “סור מרע ועשה טוב” (Shun evil and do good) (Tehillim 34:15). Just like Yosef named his first son Menashe - representing our obligation to protect ourselves from negative influences - guarding ourselves from unholiness comes first. Only then can we function properly in G-d’s design, and receive the full life-force designated for us. Nonetheless, the growth and positive influence that comes from this life-force is the main focus and purpose of our enduring exile.