Chitas Idea


11 Teves 5782

“Not so in the case of the science of the nations; thereby, one clothes and defiles his divine soul’s faculties of ChaBaD (intellect) with the impurity of the kelipat nogah contained in those sciences … unless one employs them as a useful instrument, viz., as a means of earning a more affluent livelihood with which to be able to serve G-d, or unless he knows how to apply them in the service of G-d or to his better understanding of His Torah” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, Chapter 8)

Studying secular sciences is only permitted for two reasons, to enhance one’s ability to make a living and to better understand Hashem’s Torah. Everything else is vanity, and its pursuit steeps the intellectual faculties in the “impurity of the kelipat nogah.” Even with the first reason (making a living) one should be extremely careful not to cross the line from engaging in it for the sake of heaven to engaging in it for the sake of one’s own ego.

“Zebulun will dwell on the coast of the seas; he [will be] at the harbor of the ships, and his boundary will be at Zidon.” (Bereishis 49:13)

We find a prime example for engaging in material pursuits for the sake of Torah in Yaakov’s blessings for his sons Zevulun and Issachar. Rashi explains that “Zevulun would go forth [to engage] in commerce, and Issachar would engage in [the study of] Torah in tents.” The Torah even mentions Zevulun before his older brother Issachar because “if it were not for Zevulun, Issachar would not be able to occupy himself with the Torah.” (Midrash Tanchuma)

“The meadows don sheep, and the valleys cloak themselves with grain; they sound blasts, indeed they sing.” (Tehillim 65:14)

The way of Judaism, the way of Chassidus, is to use the material abundance we gain through the work of our hands to in turn praise Hashem and glorify His name. Thus all our pursuits are retroactively and proactively uplifted to spirituality and the service of Hashem. Nonetheless, we must remain vigilant not to spend to much time and energy on secular pursuits. We must keep in mind that the main reason for our material success is also Hashem’s blessing and that our main purpose in descending to this world is to study Torah and engage in mitzvos.