Chitas Idea

Fear of Heaven

23 Teves 5782

“The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord” (Tehillim 111:10)

Fear of Hashem always comes first. In fact, our Sages made many statements regarding the essential trait of yiras Shamayim (fear of heaven). “Eliyahu ben Yosef began his discourse in the following manner: The verse states (Tehillim 25:14): ‘Hashem’s secret is with those who fear Him, and His covenant is to make them know.’ This teaches us that the Holy One, Blessed is He, reveals His secrets only to those who fear Him. Even if a person studies all of Scripture, Mishnah, Gemara, Aggadah, and Tosefta, but he lacks fear of Heaven, he is like one who has dived into mighty waters for no purpose, all of his efforts will be in vain” (Otzer Midrashim, p. 67 - Found in Orchos Yosher by Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita)

“However, the impression retained in his mind from his meditation during prayer, and the [natural] love and fear of G-d hidden in the right part of his heart, enable him to prevail over and dominate the evil [animal soul’s] craving.” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 12)

Only through his love and fear of G-d is the beinoni able to constantly guard himself from sin.

“Amram took Yocheved, his father’s sister, as a wife” (Shemos 6:20)

“Why did G‑d agree that a great man such as Moses should be the product of a marriage which is destined to be forbidden? (After the giving of the Torah, marriage with one’s aunt is regarded as incestuous.) Because no man is appointed as an authority over the community unless there is something objectionable in his past, lest he lord it over the community.” (Chizkuni)

Here too, the beginning of leadership is personal humility and fear of Hashem. When you have something questionable in your own past, you are much less likely to act brazenly out of arrogance. You always feel the weight of your past deeds weighing on your shoulders. Everybody, regardless of their past, should constantly feel this humility before Hashem and others, only that this comes naturally to those who have something objectionable in their own past.