Chitas Idea

Common Carrier

24 Teves 5782

“Our Sages say, ‘[Man’s evil inclination gathers strength daily … and] if the Almighty did not help him (i.e., help his good inclination) he could not overcome it (his evil inclination).’” (Lessons in Tanya, Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 13)

The Alter Rebbe brings this verse from Kiddushin 30b to underline how crucial Hashem’s support is every day of our life, even for a beinoni. However, a question arises on this, “Wasn’t it stated in the previous chapter that man’s mind innately rules his heart. Why, then, should he need special divine assistance in curbing his appetites?” The Rebbe answers: “This divine assistance is necessary whenever the conflict between the two souls does not involve a struggle of mind vs. heart; e.g., (1) when the divine soul wishes to prevent sinful thoughts from arising in the mind, or (2) when the emotive faculties of the divine soul seek to overpower those of the animal soul (without recourse to contemplation and meditation).”

“They surrounded me, they encompassed me, but in the Name of the Lord I will cut them down.” (Tehillim 118:12)

As stated above, divine assistance is always necessary when battling someone or something at or above one’s own level.

“The Lord said to Moses, ‘See! I have made you a lord over Pharaoh’” (Shemos 7:1)

Pharaoh was above Moshe in power and rank as well. Moshe was a shepherd from outside Egypt, a son of the nation currently being enslaved by the Egyptians, a person who couldn’t even speak fluently. Hashem expected Moshe to go to the most powerful man of the land and “lord” over him, without needing a major miracle. Moshe was able to do this because he was not going there for his own bidding, he was going there to convey, word by word, the message of Hashem. By being such a neutral messenger, a “common carrier,” he received the full protection and assistance of Hashem. Similarly, “If we remain [strictly] true to G‑d’s message, we can break the power of darkness and help bring G‑d’s redemptive light to the world,” no matter who or what is opposing us. (Lubavitcher Rebbe, Daily Wisdom)